Yesterday Jan and I went for my weekly PT and encouragement session here at the local hospital. He says that I'm doing well and so does Jan and the site on my right calf that looks like a hunk of raw meat is coming along nicely too. I'd show you all a picture but I'm afraid it would gag some people that have sensitive stomachs, like Eli perhaps. Anyhow, we, wife, sister,brothers, sister in laws, grandchildren, Mom and Mom in law all drove to Rochester last Saturday for Sam's birthday party. It was a pretty good time to say the least. I don't recall, but did I blog about this already? Judging by the replies that I am getting on this blog my wife-Saint Jan is the only person reading this account of my life and I can talk to her at home, although she will say there is damn little of that either. I think that I am getting more cranky all of the time, with the glacial rate of recovery that I am experiencing. Day after day I keep hoping for some sign of improvement but it just seems to be the same morning after morning. Man, I just started re reading " Ghost Rider" by Neal Peart. He is the drummer and lyricist for the band "Rush". He lost his wife and daughter in less than a years time and took off on his BMW and rode all over North America trying to cope with his loss. The book is from his journal while he traveled around. It is interesting reading but it can be depressing in places. I also started scanning in some of my slides from my Air Force days and that has not been going well. Scanning 4 at a time, sometimes gets all 4 and the next batch comes out as one picture or only half of the slides are scanned in. At one time I was going to scan in all of my slides-6000+-but at this rate I don't think that the project is feasible. I need to figure out what is going on with that scanner and I suppose that it means a call to tech support in some third world country. I'll throw in a couple of slides here to show what I have started out to accomplish.
You are NOT going to become a grumpy old man while I'm around. That kid in those slides...he's still there in the mirror. He's just gotten more handsome and wiser with the years. Hang in there, honey. In a few short weeks/months, you'll wonder why you fretted so much.
I didn't know you were in the Air Force Pete. It'll be interesting to see more of your slides on here. So that means good luck to you dealing with that third world tech support person!
Good to hear from you again, Pete. Prayers are still going up on your behalf.
How come you haven't gained wait since your Air Force days? It's not fair!
Hey dad I'm reading your blog, Just never have anything witty to say like the rest of the readers.. Also after 2 kids of poop and spit up its amazing what my stomach can take now:) Anyway keep your head up, we're not meant to be stuck inside.-e
I was trying to figure out what those first two pictures are. It took a minute...you may want to explain what you're doing. Maybe it would help you to post a couple of these older pictures at a time and tell us what was happening..kind of like a mini-memoir. You can look back and see all the amazing things that you've seen and done...that's a satisfying feeling. It would give you a task and keep you busy, too. Less time to be grumpy.
Donna's right about not gaining any weight! It's easy to see where we get our long arms from!!
It's snowing in Stuttgart.
I for one, am interested in knowing exactly what it is you did in the Air Force. What was your job?
I agree with Rachie, a mini-memoir would be nice. And interesting!
What do you mean, no progress? Didn't you just eat sloppy joes and cake at the Theobald villa for the first time recently?
Don't worry about the leg...you'll be wearing your short-shorts again in no time.
I never thought I would agree with this opinion, but I’m starting to see things differently.
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