I downloaded some pictures that Jan took of me while in Mayo this week. I hadn't seen them before and that is probably just as well. I will go from the day before I checked in to home again. I don't know about people that don't know my brothers, but I think I looked a little like my brother Paul. We also received flowers at the hospital. The big mum came from our incredible children, Rachel, Genevieve and Eli. My sister Kathy sent the basket of flowers that lent a spot of color to the room. I even had a few visitors, Gens' mom in law and Steve DeFor, Rachels' father in law.Later that evening- I'm not so sure what day it was-a co-worker of mine from Plainview stopped by. It took me a second to figure out who it was- LaVerne Irish- I was a little surprised to say the least. It seems that the company that I retired from has been pushing out e-mails on my condition, anyhow we talked for awhile and I got around to asking him what he was doing there. It seems that his wife- a Janice too- had been diagnosed with stage4 cancer in the abdomen just the day before. I wish that I could have been able to give him some encouragement but I am on the way up from my bed and his path looks mostly down hill from here. Although miracles do happen, as bad as this has been prayer has allowed us to catch, fix and recover from what could have been a devastating condition. The weather has been terrific since we got home and it has been a little tough hearing the bikes running up and down the streets, but it is late in the season and I usually wind down this time of year. I did get a couple of god rides in this year, one with Eli and I to the Black Hills for a few days and the recent " Farewell Tour" ( I'm so melodramatic). Eli was over this morning to help out some with leaves which are already piling up on the deck and get a pair of his old crutches down from the garage. OK, I'll add the pictures now, maybe I should add a warning about disgusting pictures but hey, here they are.
Hi Pete,
Once again, thanks for sharing. Your positive attitude will take you a long way.
You and Jan are on my mind and continue to be in my prayers. I think you're doing amazingly well. Keep on posting.
Pete - Just wanted to share that you and Jan and the whole family are in our prayers. Stay strong during your recovery!
There is a big difference between the day after and yesterday, that's for sure. You look a little pitiful with your little walker, wish I could give you a hug, poor Daddy!
Also, am I the only one noticing how adorable Dad's hair looks spiked up? I think you should take that look and run with it Dad!
Keep up the healing work!
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