Last night Jan and I took a ride in the country after stopping by Subway. We rode the GS because it is pretty good on the gravel roads around here. First was a stop at a new campground on Kansas Lake. It has possibilities but needs to mature a little (little grass and no trees) before I would find it a good place to drag our toyhauler to. Although it is on the west shore of the lake. Then on to Odin and the north shore of Cedar Lake near Monterey ( for you old timers) . This is a county park and is quite nice, with room for a lot of campers both tent and trailer. We found a table on the east side and had our sanwiches while the sun sank lower over the lake. Fall is in the air and the evenings are getting cool. We stopped at a small cemetery near the park and looked it over. I think that the latest burial had been in about 1915. I am always curious as to why some of these little cemeteries seem to be just randomly located around the country. Maybe at one time there was a small church located across the road. On the way home the sun was at just the right height so that our shadow was projected on the corn fields along the hiway.
One of these days I will scan in some of my old slides to give you an idea of why I have been using the B52Buff moniker. It used to drive the kids crazy when I would go through my old slides, aircraft pictures by the dozens, I can't help it. Oh ya, on another subject, I am probably going to get another tooth pulled today, so wish me luck. I think that I will throw in a couple random pictures to brighten up this story.
Good luck with the tooth, hon. As I said earlier, I'm gonna be extra nice to you later...I mean, making soup, hovering... :)
wow, very special, i like it.
This topic have a tendency to become boring but with your creativeness its great.
hey, is that the place you and i saw on the way home from bergen? anyway take it easy.-e
What slides of planes?
Oh, you mean the ones where if you click the button fast enough, a body can actually SEE the plane taking off? And there is no other type of picture in the tray at all? Not even one of a flower or a cat or a person?
Dad, those slides are just one of the special things about you we'll be telling our grandkids about some day many years from now.
And Mom, extra nice? When are you ever MEAN to Dad?
Rereading this, I realized that you are getting another tooth pulled. For some reason, I thought you were referring to that last tooth. I hope everything is OK!?
Just so you know, it wasn't so much the slides that drove me crazy...after all, I could sleep through that. It was being dragged to random air force bases all over the place and being forced to watch one plane take off every 5 hours or so. AAAGGH!!
Sorry about the tooth. Hope you have some teeth left after this is all said and done.
Your secret is out - - you have a blog! Why no big announcement?
I hope your tooth situation is getting better.
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