After fooling around for a couple of days, I broke down and watched the tutorial video. I think that now I should be able to add pictures! Shazam.
This picture to the left is of me on Eli and my trip to the Hills in June. It was taken Oakoma, SD. As usual, while working on the computer, the clock runs in fast forward while I watch videos on Military.com and clear out all of the junk mail that has misteriously started to appear there. I must have given out our adress to the wrong location. Rats. We have a PGR mission on Saturday in Lucan, Mn for returning National Guards ( is people correct now?) men. One of which is a female Blackhawk pilot who has been serving in Iraq ( the sandbox). The return missions are always a lot of fun and Lucan has a micro-brewery taht has some tasty brews according to rumors. Take care.
The owner of this blog has a strong personality because it reflects to the blog that he/she made.
Well, Mr. "strong personality", try to stay your usual humble self. Nice picture. Who are you calling? Maria?
I have no idea who lotto winning numbers is, and if I remember correctly I was talking to you. I'm guessing that a search g brought "lotto" here. See you later.
Wow, Dad! Only your 3rd post and already some random is posting comments. Exciting.
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