Not too much new here today, although we had Roadways over to build the pad for the toyhauler this afternoon. Shortly there after I retrieved said trailer from Eli and Lindseys' place and put it in our backyard. It is nice to have it this close to the house so that we can hook up the water and power. Now if we only could get the sewer hooked up we could rent it out and start getting some income off it. With the refrigerator running out there, at least I have a place to store my excess beer. Also last but far from least, today is our eldest ( I know she hates the term) daughter Rachel. If I remember correctly, Rachel means "beautiful woman" in Hebrew and time has born that out. We still can't figure out how we got such good looking children and grandchildren to boot. It must have been all of that clean living over the years. Lemme see here I think I will throw in a picture here that may show that. This blog picture is Rachel and Jan at the Stuttgart airport. Since this is her blog that will be the only picture this time. Take care and stay in touch.
Thanks Dad! That is a nice picture that I don't remember seeing. Actually, I believe that Rachel means "like a lamb"...
For a long time I rarely met another Rachel, but there's a whole new crop of girls named Rachel out there. I think we can thank "Friends".
Thanks, Dad. After all, I wouldn't have a birthday without you and Mom!
After re-reading my blog I see that I failed to mention that it was your birthday. I need to really improve my proof reading skills. Luckily I also dicovered that there is spell check in the site, what a lifesaver. Now if only there were context and punctuation checking too, but then it wouldn't be me would it?
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