Today Mom and I made our annual drive to Alexandria to meet with her relatives, I guess that they would be mine also. We also celebrate her aunt Almas' 104th birthday, I think, it is either 104 or 103, anyhow, at a restaurant in Alexandria. It was a "sunny day" ( Annie would like that observation), the roads were quiet and it was cool. After lunch we all went over to one of Moms' cousins' apartment for more talk and some lemonade. Boy those women sure can talk a lot and loud too. I got a couple of pictures to verify that I actually was there, so I will include them here. The right one in Mom and aunt Alma. Alma is as sharp as a tack and gets around pretty good. The upper left photo is of all the inlaws and outlaws. I always take a different route coming home, but you know, all you see on this route is more corn, soy beans and wheat. Some cows and the usual road kill. It does seem as if there is a lot more wheat than in years gone by but after 325 miles I really don't care anymore. Tomorrow the PGR has a welcome home celebratio in Lucan, Mn for some National Guard troops and a lady Blackhawk pilot just back from the Sandbox. I'll let you know how it goes. Good Night and Good Luck.
Alma looks beautiful. Please may I have inherited those genes! I guess they are Hormann genes, right?
Thank you for your report on the Alexandria-area roadkill Dad.
I second Rachel. She looks great at 104!
Have fun tomorrow at the PGR mission and make sure to sample the goods at the micro-brewery!
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