After my last blog where I was complaining about how I came down with a cold at a most inopportune time, I got some more bad news. Last Wednesday I think, in the evening I was so cold I was wearing a stocking cap in the house, was the time that Jan figured that maybe I should see a doctor. She got me in the next day and sure as hell it's pneumonia now!! So I'm back on anti-biotic and cough syrup and Tylenol and lots of fluids. I think that I am getting the short course in what it really feels like to be 90 years old. Those of you that can remember him, John Denver had it all wrong about " it turns me on to think of growing old" or some such nonsense. Then he had the audacity to kill himself in a plane crash before he could test that theory out. I was feeling pretty good about my progress from last Falls' brush with death, doing some exercising at home trying to get in shape for riding, if the weather ever turns nicer, and getting some walking in trying to build some stamina on the icy streets in town. Now that we have had some warmer weather and the streets are bare, guess what, I'm reduced to looking out the window at the puddles and dry paving. It is getting to the point where I am almost afraid to leave the security of my house for fear I'll pick something else up. Mentally I am also starting to scale back some of the projected long distance rides I have been dreaming about because unless I can get back into shape and stay healthy 5 and 600 mile days are going to be a thing of the past. My best day was years ago when I ran from Lewistown, Mt. to home in one pass, a total of 905 miles. I got home late at night and when I did the math I wanted to get back on and do the other 95 miles knowing that I would never be that close again, but Jan talked me out of it, probably a good thing come to think of it. I don't think that I will be going off-roading with Eli this Spring down at Zumbro Bottoms, it almost killed me last Fall and I was relatively healthy at the time. Well, I have spent some time getting some of this off my chest now if only I could get this other thing out of my chest I'd be a much happier man. I think that I will dredge up some pictures to brighten things up. Take care and stay in touch and healthy. The pictures that I picked are from our annual picnic in Owatonna, just so that we can remember what green grass looked like. We have gone to the same park and the same location for several years now and have never had bad weather or crowds.
Ah, it was nice to see the pictures of the picnic.
What does "Dog my Cats" mean? That's a peterism I've never heard.
For crying in the soup, Dad. You'll be fine to go riding. I bet when you get that first whiff of spring, you'll feel like you were 16 again. Or maybe 46 again. Whatever!
Take it easy and obey the Hoverer.
You know, all these years I've thought Mom was the inherited source of my pessimism! Maybe it's our Germanic heritage, because I sure don't see too many smily, skipping German people around. They're definitely on the more reserved and dour side.
That being said, I'm glad that you feel better getting it out. It's cathartic. I'll side with Gen that you'll feel different on that first warm day.
I am still amazed at your recovery. I know it felt uber-slow to you, but to the rest of us, it was nothing short of brilliant. You will get past this too and will back in the saddle, literally, very soon.
Uh-huh. Like I'm gonna be reminding you of this post EVERY time you are out the door to go riding.
What's next? You got pretty much everything out of the way, I think. Just be looking forward to the good things ahead...
Killed you? we got soaked and missed the lightning by atleast a couple hundred feet and you said you were gettin in the groove towards the end.. Its in your head your alot tougher than your feelin, its winter and we all get soft this time of year..keep your head up..springs coming :)----------------------eeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiii-------------------
I hope you are feeling lots better by now, Pete, so that you and your bride can celebrate a nice Valentine's Day!
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