In regards to the title, not only has it been one of the 4 coldest January's since they started keeping records but I developed a cold over the weekend. I don't think that I have had one since last year sometime. What made it all the more pleasant was this was the big weekend at the lodge in Whalan, Minnesota. The idea was that all of the local children and grandchildren were to spend a couple nights at this lodge on the Root river down in the bluff country. Well, the job Eli had been on for at least a month that gave him weekends off, fizzled when someone bumped him off that job and onto a road job. He spent the weekend in Sioux City in the motel and Lindsey and the kids were home. Anyhow, I had a cold, Gen was developing a cold and Steve had a black eye after being elbowed at basketball the night before. Jan, Sam, and Gus luckily were healthy. I have to admit that the facilities were top notch and the scenery was great too. It surprised me that there were not more snowmobilers running around because there was a lot more snow there than here. I may be trying to make a funeral tomorrow in Glencoe for the wife of a co-worker of mine. She has been having health problems for quite some time and finally just failed I guess. I know how impatient I have been on my recovery but at least I'm recovering. I can't imagine how hard a lingering illness must be on everyone involved. Gerry Stepien had worked at the head office in Chaska for years before she retired some time ago. I will add some pictures here to give my readers an idea of the lodge area from this weekend. As usual St. Jan is taking good care of me still, rubbing Vicks on my chest, etc., but we don't have a chunk of scratchy wool to put over the Vicks. Anyhow, I think that I will live for a few more days ( I hope) , Jan is already making reservations at the KOA in Rapid City for the end of May, so if this snow ever melts I will need to get the toyhauler into shape for travel. Stay warm and stay in touch.
It was a good weekend even with all the maladies. We have much improved in the Nerts card games, honey. A few more years and we'll beat Gen and Scuba easily!
Oh, sorry to hear about Gerry. I remember her from some retirement party. She was a lot of fun!
Hang in there, you will get over this cold. I'm expecting the same deluxe treatment if I get this crap!
You are on,especially with the Vicks traetment.
I thought Vick's went on a sock?
You guys better be careful with the risque Vick's comments. Someone's going to flag your blog for racy comments!
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