Joe and Annie on the stairs and with his LeapFrog . Below is Rachel with her new shirt and Aaron sitting on his great-gramma's lap.

Just a short one here. The ground is white from a weekend dusting and the wind is out of the northwest and its about 20 degrees. Rachel, Joe and Annie are already back in Germany with Hans. We followed the flight back for them and they were an hour late out of the Cities because of de-icing the plane. I think that I was up after mid-night and they were over Ireland at the time and a little over an hour from Stuttgart. I just talked with her and they are headed over to Garmich tomorrow, whew, off the plane and into the car. Saturday I ran down to Sioux Falls for a PGR mission for a veteran and an ex cop. the internment was attended by both the military and the Sioux Falls police force and us. Luckily again, it wasn't too cold and I was dressed warmly except for my feet. I will attach some photos from the past week to keep you informed.
Great pics, as usual Dad. We are home, thank heavens. Last night Annie was asleep at 6:00, Josiah at 8:00 and us at 9:00, then they were up in the middle of the night, then everyone went back to sleep until 10:00 a.m. Makes for a short day.
I decided not to go to Garmisch and so am here with Annika. The boys went.
That sounds nice, just you girls hanging out together. Have fun.
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