I used to run 110 yard high hurdles in high school and I think that I can use that event as a kind of analogy of life's' journey if you don't mind. Think of life's' major events such as births of children, marriage to your partner, deaths of loved ones and friends, etc, etc. Well I just passed over a pretty good sized one today let me tell you. I had my three month visit with the surgeons that worked on me three months ago and had a good check up, in fact they really don't think I would need anymore physical therapy if I don't want it. My leg is healing nicely and my mouth must look good too. Anyhow, to back up here Jan and I drove down to Rochester Monday afternoon to board with the Theobalds for the night. It was good to see them again after the fiasco on the week before Thanksgiving. Gen and Steve had things going on after work so Jan and I got to watch Sam and Gus for awhile while they were gone. We had a fairly late appointment today but were afraid of the weather, which this winter is turning into a real threat. I think that we have been getting off lightly so far but we still have at least 2 feet on the lawn and the banks are getting higher along the streets here in town. We have gotten into a rut lately of snow of some amount every other day and high winds from one direction or another. Today coming home from Rochester we saw two cars in the ditch before we got to Kasson. It has also been cold with a capital C, with many days not getting above zero. With everything white around here including our vehicles I think that I will dig up some more summer photos, so we can dream of warmer times. Take care and stay in touch.
You've got angels jumping those hurdles with you, Pete.
Yep, looking forward to more of those pictures to be taken this spring/summer/fall. I'm thinking we'll have a beautiful spring after this winter! Get the bikes/plans ready!
Congratulations on your great check-up! What a wonderful Christmas present.
And speaking of Christmas, I enjoyed your 2008 Christmas letter very much. Thank you for including me.
A Merry Christmas to you and Jan and your entire family!
I'm getting a mental image of Jan with white robes, wings and a halo jumping hurdles next to you. Congratulations on the great check-up. Have a Merry Christmas!
P.S. Jan, I got a Nikon D40! (I think D40 is right).
Congrats Dad. Glad to hear you had a good checkup. Its a relief to hear that the doctors are pleased. We still have some more trips to do together.
Merry Christmas -e
Great news Dad. Gen had sent me an e-mail to tell me, but this was the first I'd checked your blog.
Wunderbar! And they thought you'd take months and months to recover! You are one tough cookie...
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