Monday, December 31, 2018

2018 The Final Chapter

   Since this is the last day of 2018 I guess that it would be appropriate to end this string of renditions of our lives. I believe that I ended with November so December it is. What else? The 1st we got 8-10 inches of snow that needed moving and it was not powder. It is winter and I can't ride so I have to think of something else. The last couple of years it was models. This year I have started to read all of my John Sanford novels, in order mind you. Over the years I have read them randomly as I picked them up, so I got the bright idea to arrange them in order and start over. They do run in order so that now I can see different characters develop. Anyhow that 's how I am staying busy so far. I do have a project going in the garage starting with new lighting and a coat of fresh paint in my shop. Next up is a rewire of the north garage that I really did not do robustly enough. I think that earlier I mentioned that Laura's Dad had passed away, so Jan and I were up to Morris for his visitation and funeral in Hancock the next day. This was in a long string of above average weather luckily enough, so there were no travel problems, which could have been a problem in these parts this time of the year. Speaking of funerals, I don't think that I mentioned it earlier, but in January Jan and I were to Austin for Steve Defor, Han's Dad's visitation and funeral. The weather at that time was also unusually nice for January, funny thing our wedding day in February 1971 was beautiful after a spell of nasty winter weather. Must be the good Lord looking after us. Me, I have no idea why I'm so lucky, but other people deserve it. Jan and I have hosted a couple of Viking football games, some terrific, some pathetic. I have spent some time dealing with the sale, finally, of Mom's home, which believe it or not was closed today and I have my third in the bank already. Christmas was celebrated at Eli and Lindsey's farm near St. James with the whole gang minus sadly, the Defors who thought that a weekend near their home in Virginia was preferable to a slog home 1300 miles one way. Christmas eve Jan and I drove up to Sleepy Eye for their light show at a park on the north side of the lake. It was fantastic! Trees all covered with different colored lights that dance in time with music and change colors according to the tunes. I think that it rivals the display at Sibley Park in Mankato that gets all of the publicity. So 2018 stagers to the end of a string of days with too many funerals, family members and veterans too. I am hoping that the promise of Christ's birth will see us through the coming year and see us all in reasonably good health next year at this time. Signing off at 2135 on 31 December, 2018.
   An addendum here. Thinking back to Han's Dad Steve, he would have been so proud to see his son Hans promoted to Captain at the National Archives in Washington D.C.. Hans' Mom Donna and Rachel, Josiah, Annika and William did get to see him get his Eagles. They have worked very hard and sacrificed to reach this point. For you non Navy types that's a full Colonel rank. I'm sure that I have missed other things, but as you can see it has run to 5 parts this year. I always swear that I am not going to do this anymore, because as near as I can tell only two people read these tales of blood sweat and tears, not counting Jan who kind of proof reads.


Phil & Laura said...

Very nicely done Pete. We do look forward to your "year in review" and mom likes to keep up with the comings & goings of the Kuehls.

DD4 said...

I always look forward to your Christmas epistle, Pete. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and Jan!