I think that being cooped up by this weather is hard on a person's frame of mind. We have been having near record cold, yesterday morning it was a -23 and that is Fahrenheit not Celsius. Today it is almost 10 above and now they are talking about freezing rain ! I am just starting to get rid of the ice from our last go round with freezing rain. I wonder how people deal with the cold in the arctic and the lack of sunshine, but then I would imagine that citizens of Venezuela wonder how we get along with the cold that we have. Lately also we have been getting snow about every other day so it is starting to really pile up. I have been out scooping or blowing snow off the walk and driveway every day this week. I'm such a whiner. Last weekend Jan and I spent the weekend with the Theobalds in Rochester, mainly so that Jan and Gen could go shopping together childless. Just about all of them were nursing colds in various stages and luckily Jan and I escaped picking that one up. Oh the joys of small children, you get to catch everything that is going around at day care and later at school. Anyhow, I made the rounds of the bike shops just browsing, although I did pick up an off road helmet for dirt biking if this weather ever breaks. Jan had to take a picture of me watching tv with it on. It is a good thing to get them broken in before the season rolls around. I remember when I first got my Aerostich riding suit I watched tv in that one too. So I will include a picture of the newest addition to my collections. I thought that it would be a good idea to get away from an open face helmet with my rebuilt jaw hanging out in the breeze. This one will give me some protection the next time I kiss a tree in the woods or rocks in the mountains. In regards to my surgery recovery, the leg in finally healed up to where I don't bother putting any kind of dressing on it, although I wonder how it would be with french, maybe not. Now if it would just quit itching and my jaw would quit hurting when I take the first few bites, things would be even greater. I walked up town today and over to Mom's but she was still uptown. She hadn't been out since Sunday so I am sure cabin fever was setting in over there too. Well, take care and stay in touch.
You are a hoot! I believe your favorite dressing is Western, right. That seems appropriate for you! Any day now, no more eating pain, no more itching, and it'll be nice enough to go riding. Hang in there...you're doing great! Well, maybe you do whine a little. :)
Love ya!
I agree with you - - this winter is a drag!
I'm proud of you for getting out and walking. That has to give you a good feeling.
My favorite dressing is Western too. I brought two bottles home from MN and I've already popped the second one. Will someone send me some more? Pleaseeeeee? It makes me eat more salad, plus it's good for dipping chicken nuggets in. I lllooooovvee it.
Anyway. Enough using Dad's blog as a forum for myself. As I responded when you e-mailed these pictures, I think it's an excellent idea to get a new helmet.
And Mom's right--hang in there. You need to find yourself an indoor hobby. How about going through and scanning in some slides of us as babies and sending them to us? Not every single one, just the best ones off every carousel. I would love that and so would my siblings.
One last thing: BE CAREFUL on the ICE...wear your crampons. We don't want you to slip and fall.
Rachel, I would love to scan some slides but I don't have the damn thing working yet. Installed it on the laptop and still won't do slides.
That is a hilarious picture, Dad. I busted out laughing. At least if you take a spill off the couch, you'll be protected.
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