I will have to apologize to Rachel ahead of time here for the lack of any older pictures of her. It is the same with all of the kiddos, I am only up to about 1980 or so in my slide conversion project. Hopefully I will spend some of the non riding time in the Winter to get a little more caught up. Maybe next year at this time I will be able to ratchet up the age of the pictures. I am sure that she has heard all about the days before her birth in Waconia on a nice August morning, the false labor that brought Paul and I rushing home from the Hills and the night of the 17th at the Navarre drive in. I remember running into a co-worker of mine as we went into the hospital (he had broken his arm playing football). We brought her home to our duplex without a clue what to do next. I mean you buy a tv set and the instruction manual is in three languages that is 50 pages long, but they send you out of the hospital with a wave and a good luck, you are going to need it. Evidently the mother instinct kicks in shortly there after because she thrived and grew into a beautiful, talented, intelligent woman with three of her own. It probably helped that she spent a lot of time with her grand parents while Jan and I took some time off. Rachel has definitely become our musician and I would say that the piano is her primary instrument, although she has played the french horn, violin, and cello. All three of our children played the piano, but Rachie is the only one to sit and play for fun. She once won a competition at Normandale and went on to Northrop Auditorium for a mass recital. Since marrying Hans DeFor of the U.S.Navy she has lived in San Diego, California, Newport, Rhode Island, Japan, Germany and will soon be moving to Virginia. While moving around the world she has had three beautiful children of her own. Josiah was born in San Diego, Annika in Yokosuka, Japan and William in Stuttgart, Germany. Rachel may be a musician but this is her highest calling, being a top flight mother. I think that she could be an excellent teacher as her kiddos are all are way ahead of their contemporaries. The thing that makes me sad sometimes is the fact that I won't be able to see how things all play out, but that is life I guess, and that is what happens when you love someone so much you just can't wait to see the next act. Looking back it is hard to believe that that little girl we brought home from the hospital will be 36 in a few days. The one thing that I have tried to re-enforce with our children is this, pay attention, in no time at all your children will be grown and out on their own. Try to set the memories in deep so you can remember what they were like when you first saw them come into this world. Rachel we love you dearly and don't you ever forget that.
Oops, sorry Rachel, but I misspelled your name . It should be Catharine. I hope you like the blog.
Sniff. I was just reading Rach's latest blog and couldn't figure out (immediately) what GLoD and ALoD was. But I remember the LoD(s) I got when I only just got to the hospital on 8-18-74 and they were ready to wheel me in to the delivery room. I actually wanted to tell all those other laboring moms I was sorry but I don't think they cared. Oh well.
Very touching blog, honey. You're absolutely spot on with the instruction deficit. Luckily the species is pretty tough cause Rach survived and blossomed and is still amazing us.
Happy birthday on the 18th, Rach. We love you. We'll always love you. I get giddy and teared up at the same time just thinking about seeing you in October!
Many more happy birthdays, hon!
Thanks Dad...and yes, I agree with Mom. Despite the lack of instruction, I think we turned out fairly well. As a parent, I now know exactly how much time is spent "winging it"...it helps, of course, if one has a solid base to start from. And I have that.
That was a beautiful tribute, Pete. You and Jan did a wonderful job in parenting Rachel. She is a beautiful wife, great mother, true friend to many, and a wonderful daughter to me, too.
Happy Birthday on Wednesday, Rachel. I love you!
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