Jan has been after me to do another post, so I will do one today. I guess that a lot of things have been going on here lately so I need to bring the one reader up to date although she does live in the same house as me. About a week ago Eli gave me a ride up to Lake Crystal on his way to work in Mankato. It had rained all morning but broke around noon so I grabbed my gear and got the GS out of the shop in the afternoon. I had a nice ride home on a round about route through Hanska and Godahl. So I have all the bikes back under the same roof.
Sunday afternoon Rachel, Joe and Annie dropped in for a stay after spending a few days with Gen, Steve and the boys ( see tatertot hotdish). Later on Sunday evening Eli, Lindsey and kiddos came over to see Rachel and family. As you may imagine with three youngsters things got a little crazy for awhile, luckily Aaron isn't mobile yet or it could have been nuttier. Jan was holding races down the steps with the three eldest. They were sliding on their tummy's on the carpet. I was figuring on carpet burns but everyone survived, maybe laughter insulates you?
Yesterday I went on the first Patriot Guard mission that I have been on in a couple of months at least. It was for a local man that had served his country in the 50s. We met in Butterfield for the briefing and social time prior to the funeral. I am not sure what the temperature was but I was glad that I was all leathered up cause it got pretty nippy before the funeral got started, at least we got to hang out in the basement during the actual service and get a cup of coffee in. Then out to the cemetery for the internment, what with the wind etc. people did not hang around for long. The honor guard policed up the brass and headed back to their van asap and the family was gone 15 minutes later. It sure felt good to see the guys again after missing most of the Fall missions.
I have been going to PT a couple times a week lately and the PT guy says I am doing just great. I am always a little suspicious of his encouragement, being a natural pessimist at heart, although the site of the tracheotomy is finally shrinking to a small point and not drooling down my chest. Now if the swelling in my neck would just go down and the right calf would heal up I would feel better. I admit that I seem to walk without much of a limp anymore and I have more energy than before but now the problem is trying to sleep nights, man if it isn't one thing it's another. Anyhow I will throw some pictures in but I am not sure what order they will show up as.
Good post, Pete. You ARE doing a lot better! And, if I may quote an infamous character, "no one has ever died of insomnia..." Yes, you may feel like you might, but you won't cause you will eventually sleep. But then, when's the last time you had a good night's sleep anyway. It's all relative. You'll survive! Look at all these grandkids that need you too!!!!!!
Please count me in as one of your faithful readers. My, you have the cutest grandkids!!!
So happy to hear about your progress. Keep up the good work. You'll be dancing in no time.
I am a faithful reader also that makes at least three. Grandkids look great. You forgot to smile. Wilmington is COLD! Down in twenties at night. I didn't pack my winter clothes. Take care.
The kids have been having a lot of fun together, which is great. I wish that we could have had our sleepover and slide-watching party on Saturday night, but three of the six (and Gen) were too sick.
Maybe next year.
The kids have been having a lot of fun together, which is great. I wish that we could have had our sleepover and slide-watching party on Saturday night, but three of the six (and Gen) were too sick.
Maybe next year.
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