Here we go again, playing catch-up. I wonder if it was the loooong Winter, which is just starting to break around here, but just getting started on any project has been tough. Since my last post in February, Jan and I have spent time in Virginia at the DeFors among other activities. I've been on a few Patriot Guard missions and am organizing a send off for the local Guard unit here in St. James next Saturday. Last Saturday night Jan and I were at the Rochester airport to welcome home a plane load of WWII vets from an outing to Washington D.C. What fun was that!!! Those guys and a few women vets were so excited to see the crowds. We were shaking hands with as many as possible and one guy told me "I haven't shaken this many hands in the last two days as I have in the previous 50 years!" We will be doing that in the future for sure. The program is run by the Honor Flight organisation. I am just getting over a cold, with a capital C. Damn, I don't know what it is, but it seems since my cancer surgery any cold I get, borders on pneumonia, which come to think of it I did have twice since then. I used to be able to work right through it, but not any more. One of the downsides of getting to retirement age I guess. I have also been digging out some of my aircraft models with an eye to maybe finishing them for once. I can't hardly believe it, but it has been 40+ years since I started on them, my how the time flies. As to travel plans for this year. I am thinking that Alaska has slid off of the radar for me. That would have been a 7000 mile trip of at least 3 weeks by myself. I am kind of a lone wolf but I do have my limits. So I am rethinking a western sweep again after I do another back road loop in Wyoming next month. I have added a few pictures to this report as usual. At the top are two of our rocking chair. Jan and I put it together before we were ever married, and I added our children to it as they came along, so one project that I finished this Spring was getting all of the Grand kids on board too. Things are a little crowded on the back of that chair, kind of like our house when we are all together. Next down are a few of Rachel, Josiah, Annika, and William from our time at their house in March. I guess that it is the march of progress but most updating now days seems to be moving to Face book. I guess that blogging is getting so ancient not many people are doing it anymore, but I plan on hitting here once in awhile anyway. Take care, drive safely, and be healthy.