Sunday, February 2, 2025

2024 post script

     After finishing my 2024 end of the year letter I realized that I had left off one accomplishment. Last year, even though I did not take any long distance bike rides I did manage to put on over 18,000 miles on our assortment of bikes. I think I did a lot of just going out during the day and after supper and put on some miles, better than sitting at home in front of the television. That big ass Sony is a wicked siren that is hard to ignore, with Netflix and Amazon just running over with so much material to watch. I will have to admit that it has been nice this winter without snow but cold air. As usual I'm spending time in the shop putzing with oil changes, cleaning as much as I can. I can see now, how it would have been incredible to have built a wash rack of some type years ago to give all of these machines a good bath in the winter when they are all idle. All of this points out the fact that I am running out of time to ride for many more years, and frankly I find it rather frightening, as in what the heck will I do then? For years I have gone into the winter season worried about if the ability will still be there in the spring, so far, I have made it through. I was experimenting with adding photos to this blog and got one from one of my B-52 combat missions over Vietnam. I need to find the one that I want before clicking on a photo. Today it was 53 degrees, sunny and quiet to boot, so Vinnie and I took a ride, number one for the year! Back in this note I mentioned that I am worried about my ability to keep riding in the future, which keeps shrinking. A larger fear is losing my vision and not being able to read the books that I have on the shelf. I have started re reading my John Sandford books again, it's been five years since I did this the last time. I have all of his books, there must be twenty or so, pretty good crime novels. Then I can start on the Jack Reacher series and on and on. So, what I'm saying is this if I can't ride or read what am I? Pretty much a carbon-based life form that has no function except taking up space and other people's time. Jan just had a hip replaced a few weeks ago and I'm helping her get around for a change, many times the tasks are reversed. I'm keeping busy lately. I give up temporarily on the photo insertion app.